
The example sentences,phrases,words for the argument(1)

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 愛国者 patriot
 愛国心 patriotism
 安重根 An Jung-geun
 慰安婦 comfort women
 いわゆる従軍慰安婦問題issue known as wartime comfort women
 右翼グループ rightist group
 落ち着け! calm down!



 外国の国旗を燃やす burn foreign flags
 韓国に関する歴史的文献 historical literature on Korea               
 漢字 Chinese character
 勘弁して! Give me a break!
 韓食の世界化 globalization of Korean food 
○○の起源 the origin of 
 妓生(キーセン)gisaeng house
 強制労働 forced labor
 百済 Baekje
 訓民正音 Hunminjeongeum 
 愚民文字 a language for the stupid  
 高句麗 Goguryeo 
 高麗 Goryeo 
 コーランを燃やす burn the Koran



 在日韓国朝鮮人 North and South Korean residents in Japan
 在日朝鮮人 Koreans in Japan
 サイバー外交使節団 VANK
 自己中の self-centered 
 事大主義者 timeserver
 しつこい insitent
 謝罪 apology
 侵略政策 policy of aggression
 侵略を正当化する justify the invasion
 尖閣諸島領土問題 the Senkakua islands issue
 従軍慰安婦 wartime comfort women
 植民地 colony
 植民地時代 the colonial period
 新羅 Silla
 親日の pro-Japanese
 親日家 pro-Japanese person  
 侵略戦争 agressive war
 全体主義 totalitarianism



 第二次世界大戦 WW2
 竹島問題 The problem of the Takeshima islands ,Tense Island Dispute
 竹島の日を制定する establish Takeshima Day,
 竹島の領有問題  the issue of territorial rights over Takeshima Island
 太平洋戦争 the Pacific War
 竹島は日本領土 Takeshima belongs to Japan
 統一教会 The Holy Spirit Association for the
           Unification of World Christianity
 チベットへの侵略を開始する commit the aggression on Tibet
 中華王朝の属国 a dependency of Chinese Dynasty
 中国によるチベット侵略 Invasion of Tibet by China
 朝鮮戦争 the Korean War
 朝鮮総督府 Governor-General of Korea
 朝鮮総連 the General Association of Korean
          Residents in Japan
 朝鮮半島 Korean peninsula
 デモ隊 demonstrators
 デモをする demonstrate
 天安門事件 Tiananmen Square incident
 天皇陛下 Japanese emperor
 獨島 Dokdo 
 取り乱す freak out
 東京裁判 Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals 、 Tokyo war
                crimes tribunal



 南京事大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre
 日韓の歴史認識問題 issues regarding the interpretation of the history 
               of  relations between Japan
 日本日中両国の緊張を高める怖れ could increase tensions between
                     Japan and China
 海呼称問題 the issue of the name of the Sea of Japan
 日本の支配下 under Japanese rule
 日本の領海侵犯invasion of Japanese territorial waters
 捏造者 faker
 捏造する fabricate 
 捏造する / 偽りの fake
 捏造する make up
 ノムヒョン Roh Moo-hyun



 賠償 compensation
 排他的な exclusive  
 破産する go bankrupt
 ハングル文字 hangul
 反日 anti-Japan
 反日教育 anti-Japan-education
 捕鯨問題 anti-whaling issue
 不法占拠 illegal ocuppation
 文鮮明 Sun-Myung Moon 
 放火率 the rate of arson
 放火 arson



 真似する imitate
 民団  Korean Residents Union in Japan
 元首相 ex-prime minister


 優越感 superiority complex


 李氏朝鮮 Joseon Dynasty
 李明博 Lee Myung-bak 
 李承晩ライン Syngman Rhee Line
 領土問題 disputes over territory
 歴史家 historian
 劣等感 inferiority complex
 ロス暴動 1992 Los Angeles riots 





  What do you mean by saying that〜?

  Do you know the meaning of ○○?

  Will you show me the source of it?

  You are contradicting yourself.

  This video has nothing to do with WW2.

  People in Japan now have nothing to do with WW2.

  Why did you bring up WW2-related issue suddenly?

  Don't divert the conversation from the subject.

  The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of     Korea

  Treaty of Peace with Japan(SF treaty)

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